Greetings from Sea Change 2024! We are at Taconite harbor along the north shore, waiting out a northeaster so that we can head to Grand Marais later today because we have an event with the 7th graders in Grand Marais tomorrow morning.
This year's core crew includes the following:
Dylan: Hi I'm the one-eyed tattoo guy. I'm from central Minnesota and have recently re-discovered a love of nature. I'm a rock climber and adventurer. Coming into this trip, I was pretty nervous. Every day I have encountered new experiences, from living in a small spac
e with total strangers to sailing techniques. It's all been learning and growing. I have a handful of taconite pellets which
I've picked up along the way.
Kendall: Hi this is Kendall, the token Canadian from Toronto, living in Thunder Bay and going to Lakehead University (parks and rec). I grew up on lakes but not one this big! This is one of the biggest adventures I've done so far, the longest I've ever been out of my own country. It's been fun learning how to sail, but my favorite thing is exploring both the differences and similarities between the two countries.
Zach: Hi this is Zach, originally from Nebraska. I threw myself into the north woods looking for something different. Lake Superior felt like Mars to me before this trip but I'm adapting, like the rest of the crew, as we form a . I bought a pocket-seal at Rose Antiques in Beaver bay which has become our mascot. (Ed note: Zach is a master chess player.)
This year's unique crew includes two stowaways who come and go as they can fit it in.
Finnlay: I'm a Sea Change alum, captain of my own (as-yet unnamed) sailboa. I happily accepted an invitation to join for parts of this trip too. I'm learning a lot more this year because everything is so relevant. I came to my first Sea Change wanting to buy a boat but with no means of doing it. Mark has been an enormous help and earlier this year I took the plunge and bought my own boat, which waits for me back in Knife River when I'm done here.
Lamar: Hi, you probably know me by now. I just finished my freshman at Northern Michigan University studying biology and am enjoying my time off back on Amicus II.
We also have spent time on board and on shore with other folks including our friend Doug and his student, Cedar and a college friend, and Rich the fellow boater and astronomer who regaled us one night with his passion and knowledge for the night sky.
Our first week has been one of learning and trying new things. Lots of discussion about climate, invasives, and plastics. After a historically warm winter, the spring has been more normal but still warm for May. Even in a northeast wind, we have put on all the layers only to de-layer during the day. We've seen enough sun to burn our noses on the bow naps. No big waves yet. We've been in several classrooms and also entertained a group of four 8th graders from South Dakota.